How to Remove Grease from Air Fryer Without Scrubbing



Struggling with grease buildup in your air fryer? Explore proven methods to effortlessly remove grease using natural ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, and lemon. Discover step-by-step techniques to maintain a spotless interior without scrubbing, ensuring optimal cooking performance and hygiene. Dive into this comprehensive guide for practical tips on preserving your air fryer and enhancing its longevity.

Outlines of The Post

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Your Air Fryer
  3. Methods to Remove Grease
  4. Using Lemon and Baking Soda
  5. Commercial Cleaners
  6. Deep Cleaning Techniques
  7. Preventive Maintenance
  8. Safety Considerations
  9. Troubleshooting
  10.  Maintaining the Exterior
  11. Environmental Impact
  12. Conclusion


Maintaining a clean air fryer is essential not only for hygiene but also for preserving its efficiency and lifespan. As a popular kitchen appliance known for healthier cooking with less oil, air fryers often accumulate grease over time, which can impact both cooking performance and flavour. Addressing grease buildup promptly not only ensures your food remains crispy and flavorful but also reduces the risk of unpleasant odours and potential damage to the appliance. 

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into effective methods to remove grease from your air fryer without resorting to heavy scrubbing, using simple ingredients and practical techniques to keep your appliance in top condition.

Understanding Your Air Fryer

To effectively clean your air fryer, it's essential first to understand its components and how they operate. Air fryers operate by circulating hot air around the food, which creates a crispy outer layer. This process often leads to grease accumulating on surfaces such as the basket, tray, and heating element. These components, while designed for non-stick performance, can still develop stubborn grease residues over time.

Methods to Remove Grease

Immediate Cleaning after Use

The easiest way to prevent grease buildup is immediate action post-cooking. After each use, allow the air fryer to cool slightly before cleaning while it's still warm. Use a soft cloth or sponge dampened with warm water and mild dish soap to wipe away any visible oil and food particles. This routine maintenance prevents grease from hardening, making subsequent cleanings more manageable and less time-consuming.

Baking Soda Paste Method

For tougher grease stains, a baking soda paste is highly effective without the need for harsh scrubbing. Make a paste by combining baking soda with water until it reaches a thick consistency. Apply this paste to the greasy areas inside the air fryer basket and tray. Let it sit for about 15-20 minutes to allow the baking soda to break down the grease. The natural abrasiveness of baking soda helps lift grease stains, while its alkaline properties neutralize odours, leaving your air fryer refreshed.

Vinegar and Water Solution

Vinegar is renowned for its degreasing properties and is safe to use on most air fryer components. Combine equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray this solution onto the greasy surfaces inside the air fryer and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Vinegar also serves as a natural deodorizer, eliminating any lingering odours from previous cooking sessions.

Using Lemon and Baking Soda

A lemon and baking soda mixture offers a dual-action approach to grease removal and deodorizing. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a bowl and gradually add baking soda until a thick paste forms. Apply this paste to the greasy areas inside the air fryer and allow it to sit for 15-20 minutes. The citric acid in lemon breaks down grease while baking soda acts as a gentle abrasive to lift residue. Afterward, wipe clean with a damp cloth or sponge to reveal a spotless interior.

Commercial Cleaners

Several specialized cleaners are available for air fryers, formulated to tackle grease and maintain the appliance's performance. These cleaners are often non-toxic and designed for use on non-stick surfaces. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully, as some cleaners require dilution or specific application methods. Commercial cleaners provide convenience and ensure thorough grease removal without damaging the air fryer's coating.

Deep Cleaning Techniques

Boiling Water Method

For a thorough deep clean, consider using boiling water inside the air fryer basket. Fill the basket with water to a safe level and place it back in the air fryer. Set the temperature to a low setting and allow the water to boil for 5-10 minutes. The steam generated will soften hardened grease, making it easier to wipe away with a cloth or sponge. This method is particularly effective for removing stubborn residues without the need for abrasive cleaners.

Steam Cleaning

Utilizing steam is another effective method to loosen grease inside the air fryer. Place a heatproof bowl filled with water and lemon slices inside the air fryer basket. Set the air fryer to a high temperature and let it run for 10-15 minutes. The steam generated will help soften grease deposits, allowing for effortless cleaning afterward. Steam cleaning is gentle on the appliance and provides a natural alternative to chemical-based cleaners.

Dishwasher-Safe Components

Check your air fryer's manual to identify parts that are dishwasher-safe, typically the basket and tray. Disassemble these components carefully and place them in the dishwasher for a thorough cleaning cycle. Ensure they are completely dry before reassembling your air fryer to prevent any potential damage from moisture.

Preventive Maintenance

To minimize grease buildup and maintain your air fryer's performance, adopt preventive measures during everyday use. Consider using parchment paper or aluminum foil to line the basket before cooking fatty foods like bacon or chicken wings. These liners not only prevent direct contact with the basket's surface but also make cleanup easier by trapping grease and food residues.

Establishing a regular cleaning schedule is crucial to preventing grease buildup. Depending on the frequency of use, aim to clean your air fryer thoroughly at least once a week or more often if needed. This routine maintenance not only enhances the appliance's lifespan but also ensures that each cooking session yields crispy, flavorful results.

Safety Considerations

When cleaning your air fryer, prioritize safety to avoid accidents and maintain electrical components. Always unplug the appliance and allow it to cool completely before starting any cleaning method. Use caution when handling hot components such as the basket, tray, and heating element to prevent burns or injuries. Consider wearing protective gloves if necessary, especially when dealing with boiling water or steam cleaning methods.


If you encounter stubborn grease stains that resist initial cleaning efforts, don't hesitate to repeat the process or combine different cleaning methods for better results. Avoid using abrasive cleaners, steel wool pads, or sharp utensils that could damage the non-stick coating of your air fryer. Instead, opt for gentle cleaning solutions and soft cloths to preserve the appliance's integrity.

Maintaining the Exterior

While focusing on the interior, don't overlook the exterior of your air fryer. Use a mild dishwashing detergent and a soft cloth to wipe down the exterior surfaces regularlyDo not use harsh chemicals that may scratch the finish. Wipe gently in circular motions to maintain the appliance's aesthetic appeal and cleanliness.

When cleaning, use gentle circular motions to effectively remove any grease, fingerprints, or food residue while preserving the appliance's aesthetic appeal. Pay attention to areas around the control panel, vents, and handles where dirt and grease tend to accumulate. Regular cleaning not only keeps your air fryer looking pristine but also ensures hygienic cooking conditions for delicious, healthy meals.

Environmental Impact

Consider the environmental impact of your cleaning products and methods when caring for your air fryer. Choose eco-friendly alternatives such as a mixture of vinegar and water, lemon juice, or baking soda paste, which are biodegradable and safe for use around food preparation areas. These natural cleaners effectively remove grease and stains without introducing harmful chemicals into your kitchen environment.

When disposing of cleaning materials, follow local regulations to ensure responsible disposal and minimize your ecological footprint. By choosing environmentally friendly cleaning solutions and practices, you not only maintain a clean and healthy air fryer but also contribute positively to sustainability efforts in your home and community. 


In conclusion, keeping your air fryer clean and free of grease buildup is essential for optimal performance and longevity. By incorporating these effective cleaning methods and preventive maintenance tips into your routine, you can effortlessly maintain a pristine cooking environment without the need for heavy scrubbing. Regular care ensures that your air fryer continues to deliver delicious, healthy meals for years to come.


1. How often should I clean my air fryer?

It's recommended to clean your air fryer after each use to prevent grease buildup. Try to do a deep cleaning once a week depending on how you use it

2. Can I use metal utensils or abrasive cleaners to clean my air fryer?

Avoid using metal utensils or abrasive cleaners as they can damage the non-stick coating of your air fryer. Choose soft cloths, sponges, and non-abrasive cleaning solutions to preserve the appliance.

3. Is it safe to use vinegar or lemon inside my air fryer?

Yes, both vinegar and lemon are safe and effective for cleaning air fryers. They help to break down grease and neutralize odours without harming the appliance's components.

4. How do I remove stubborn grease stains from the heating element of my air fryer?

For stubborn stains on the heating element, it's best to consult your air fryer's manual for specific cleaning instructions. In general, avoid direct contact with the heating element and use gentle cleaning methods.

5. Can I put air fryer parts in the dishwasher?

Several components of an air fryer, such as the basket and tray, are designed to be dishwasher-safe. Refer to your appliance's manual to confirm which parts are dishwasher-safe and follow the manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning. 

Important: The information provided in this post is for general informational purposes only. It should not be taken as professional or any other type of advice. Always seek the advice of a qualified professional before implementing this information on your own. Thank you! 


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