How to Tackle Clutter: 7 Steps to an Organized Home


How to Tackle Clutter: 7 Steps to an Organized Home
How to Tackle Clutter: 7 Steps to an Organized Home

Living in a cluttered space can be stressful and overwhelming. It’s easy to let things pile up over time, but getting organized is not as hard as it might seem. With a little effort and a plan, you can transform your home into a peaceful and tidy environment. This guide will take you through seven simple steps to help you tackle clutter and organize your home.

1. Start with a Plan

The first step to tackling clutter is to have a clear plan. It’s important to know where to start and what you want to achieve. Begin by identifying the areas in your home that need the most attention. These might be rooms that are used often, like the kitchen or living room, or spaces that tend to collect the most clutter, such as closets or the garage.

Set Goals

Set specific goals for each area. For example, your goal for the living room might be to clear off all surfaces and organize the bookshelf. In the bedroom, your goal might be to declutter the closet and drawers. Writing down your goals can help keep you on track.


If the whole house needs attention, prioritize which areas to work on first. Start with the most cluttered space or the area that bothers you the most. Tackling the worst spot first can give you a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to continue.

2. Declutter One Area at a Time

Trying to organize your entire home at once can be overwhelming. It’s better to focus on one area at a time. Pick a room, a corner, or even just a drawer, and work on that space until it’s completely decluttered.

Break It Down

Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps. For example, if you’re working on the kitchen, start with one cupboard or one countertop. This way, you won’t feel overwhelmed, and you’ll see progress quickly.

Use the “Four-Box Method”

One effective way to declutter is to use the “Four-Box Method.” Get four boxes or bags and label them: Keep, Donate, Trash, and Relocate. As you go through your items, place each one in the appropriate box. This method helps you make decisions quickly and keeps the process organized.

3. Sort and Categorize

Once you’ve decluttered a space, it’s time to sort and categorize the items you’ve decided to keep. Group similar items together, so they are easier to find and access.

Create Categories

Create categories that make sense for each room. For example, in the kitchen, you might have categories like cooking utensils, baking supplies, and canned goods. In the bathroom, you might have categories for toiletries, cleaning supplies, and towels.

Label Everything

Labeling is a simple but powerful tool for staying organized. Use labels on storage bins, shelves, and drawers. This will help everyone in the household know where things belong and make it easier to put items back in their proper place.

4. Maximize Storage Space

Effective storage is key to maintaining an organized home. You don’t necessarily need to buy expensive storage solutions; sometimes, it’s about making better use of the space you already have.

Use Vertical Space

Make the most of vertical space by adding shelves or hooks. This is especially useful in smaller rooms or areas with limited floor space. In the kitchen, install shelves for spices or hang pots and pans. In the bathroom, use wall-mounted organizers for toiletries.

Invest in Multi-Use Furniture

If you’re short on space, consider investing in furniture that doubles as storage. For example, ottomans that open up for storage, beds with built-in drawers, or coffee tables with hidden compartments can help reduce clutter while serving a dual purpose.

Clear Containers

Use clear containers for storage so you can easily see what’s inside. This is especially helpful for items like toys, craft supplies, or pantry goods. Clear containers also encourage you to keep things neat, as the contents are always visible.

5. Develop Daily Habits

Once your home is organized, it’s important to develop daily habits to keep it that way. Clutter can quickly return if you don’t maintain your space regularly.

Tidy Up Daily

Spend a few minutes each day tidying up. This might involve putting away items that were left out, wiping down surfaces, or doing a quick sweep of the main living areas. A little effort each day can prevent clutter from building up again.

Follow the “One In, One Out” Rule

To prevent new clutter, adopt the “One In, One Out” rule. Every time you bring a new item into your home, get rid of something else. For example, if you buy a new shirt, donate an old one. This simple rule helps keep your belongings in check and prevents overcrowding.

Use a Mail System

Paper clutter can quickly get out of hand. Set up a system for handling mail and paperwork as soon as it comes into the house. Have a designated spot for bills, important documents, and items that need attention. Sort through your mail daily and recycle or shred anything you don’t need.

6. Organize Digital Clutter

Clutter isn’t just about physical items. Digital clutter can also be overwhelming. Emails, photos, and files can pile up quickly, making it difficult to find what you need.

Sort and Delete Emails

Start by sorting your emails into categories like work, personal, and subscriptions. Delete anything you don’t need, and unsubscribe from newsletters or services you no longer use. Set up folders for important emails and use filters to automatically sort incoming messages.

Organize Digital Files

Just like physical items, digital files need to be organized. Create folders for different types of files, such as documents, photos, and music. Regularly go through your files and delete anything you no longer need. Consider using cloud storage to back up important files and free up space on your devices.

Manage Photos

Photos can take up a lot of space on your devices. Go through your photos regularly and delete duplicates or images you don’t want to keep. Organize the remaining photos into albums or folders by date, event, or theme. Consider printing your favorite photos or creating a digital photo book to reduce digital clutter.

7. Maintain Your Organized Space

The final step is to maintain your newly organized space. Regular maintenance is key to keeping clutter at bay and ensuring your home stays tidy and functional.

Schedule Regular Decluttering Sessions

Set aside time every few months to do a quick decluttering session. Go through each room and get rid of anything that is no longer needed or used. This will help prevent clutter from building up again and keep your home in order.

Reevaluate Your Storage Solutions

As time goes on, your storage needs may change. Reevaluate your storage solutions regularly to make sure they are still effective. You may need to adjust your storage systems as your family grows or as your needs change.

Involve the Whole Family

Keeping an organized home is easier when everyone is involved. Encourage all family members to take responsibility for their own spaces and belongings. Teach children how to organize their toys and clothes, and make sure everyone knows where things belong. Working together as a family can make maintaining an organized home much easier.


Tackling clutter doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following these seven steps, you can take control of your space and create a home that is organized and clutter-free. Start with a plan, work on one area at a time, and develop daily habits to maintain your newly organized space. Remember, organization is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. With patience and persistence, you can enjoy a tidy and peaceful home.

Important: The information provided here in the post is for general informational purposes only. It should not be taken as professional or any other type of advice. Always seek the advice of a qualified professional before implementing this information on your own. Thank you! 

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